Ben Farmer, a graduating University of Kentucky biology senior and member of Lewis Honors College, has been awarded the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) Dr. Jamie L. King Marine Conservation Internship from Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society.
In results University of Kentucky researchers are calling “alarming,” more than three out of 10 undergraduates reported using e-cigarettes, according to a new study published in the March 26 edition of the Journal of American College Health.
To assist the state’s hospitals in the battle against Opioid abuse, the Kentucky Hospital Association is partnering with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services as part of the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort to launch the Kentucky Statewide Opioid Stewardship (KY SOS) program.
In the past, using "Alzheimer’s disease" & "dementia" interchangeably was a generally accepted practice. Now there's rising appreciation that a variety of diseases & disease processes contribute to dementia.
The Keeneland Association continues its long-standing philanthropic relationship with the University of Kentucky with a gift of $1.3 million to the Keeneland Endowed Chair in Equine Veterinary Science.
Inspired by her peers, Kenyatta Mitchell completed her undergraduate research focusing on civil rights coalitions in Mississippi. She traveled 850 miles to Mississippi where she found answers beyond her initial research question.
The challenge we face is too complex for one approach or one solution. It changes shape and form too often for us not to partner in ways that make us more efficient and effective, but also nimble and capable of adapting as the challenge does.