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  • Aug 7 2014

A nasal spray of the anti-opioid drug naloxone, developed by Daniel Wermeling, has FDA fast-track designation.

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  • Aug 4 2014

Biologist Jeramiah Smith studies salamanders and sea lamprey to find genetic clues to regeneration.

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  • Jul 28 2014

To study cell regeneration in the eye, biologist Ann Morris’s vertebrate of choice is Zebrafish.

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  • Jul 21 2014

Biologist Ashley Seifert and postdoctoral scholar Tom Gawriluk study regeneration in African spiny mice.

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  • Jul 15 2014

A new technology uses male mosquitoes to sterilize females through a naturally occurring bacterium.

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  • Jul 14 2014

Four biologists are studying how certain vertebrates regrow body parts, to help people heal.

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  • Jul 11 2014

On July 10, 2014, UK announced a project in Eastern Kentucky to promote a new at-home cancer screening test.

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  • Jun 23 2014

A father and son in two different colleges at UK conduct research together.

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  • Jun 10 2014

The man will send a message from his brain to a robotically controlled leg to kick off the 2014 World Cup.

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  • Jun 4 2014

CAER 101: get scientists into schools, do easy-to-duplicate experiments, and challenge others to do outreach.