Biologist Randal Voss talks about the only captive-bred salamander population in the world.
UK senior Taylor Lloyd started doing research as a freshman and she says it shaped her career path.
As a high school student, Gareth Voss started doing salamander research at UK.
In January 2012, a ribbon cutting was held for the first prototype energy efficient home.
Tour the first Houseboat to Energy Efficient Residences prototype in Monticello, Ky.
UK architecture students get real-life experience in modular home design through HBEER.
On December 1, 2011, the KGS celebrated a major achievement in the mapping of Kentucky's geology.
Groundbreaking of a UK coal/biomass-to-liquids unit that could lead to development of vehicle fuels.
On November 8, 2011, CAER broke ground on a $5.7 million facility to turn coal to liquids for fuels.
On Oct. 21, 2011, UK and state officials announced funding to scale up algae research for coal-burning power plants.