The Institutional Multidisciplinary Paradigm to Accelerate Collaboration and Transformation (IMPACT) Awards were launched to champion the necessary and groundbreaking work done by UK faculty and other campus community members.
UK doctoral student Kara Cook was recently awarded a Substance Use Priority Research Area (SUPRA) Graduate Student Grant to explore the unintended consequences of classifying controlled substances.
Lauren Whitehurst, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and assistant director of the UNITE Research Priority Area, studies how sleep is affected by our genetics and living environments.
The University of Kentucky Appalachian Center is showcasing the work of student and faculty researchers through its Sharing Work on Appalachia in Progress (SWAP) series this spring.
Researchers at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) are investigating a new technology that they hope will give new life to Kentucky’s oil and natural gas wells.
The Kentucky Maternal Morbidity and Mortality (KyMMM) Task Force will work to implement and promote best practices to make birth safer, improve maternal health outcomes and ultimately, save lives.
Tyler Kleppe, assistant professor in UK Gatton College of Business and Economics, has shown "springing forward" impacts higher stakes decisions — like investing for one’s retirement.