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  • Jul 2 2021

Time-restricted eating, a routine in which eating is limited to a specific window each day, helped prevent and improve diabetes-related nocturnal hypertension in mice.

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  • Jul 1 2021

The Human Development Institute (HDI) will be leading an effort to improve capacity of health care to serve children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families throughout Kentucky.

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  • Jul 1 2021

 "Beyond the Black and White Screen: Seeing/Reading Race in Social Media, Films and Society" is a free interactive workshop is designed to teach participants how to “read” race, racism and whiteness in media while also modeling pedagogies to engage in antiracist teaching practices.

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  • Jun 30 2021

The third grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities aims to further preserve and enhance engagement with historic Southern sacred songbooks.

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  • Jun 30 2021

The Research Priority Area supports a "collaborative matrix," bringing together diverse groups of investigators, trainees and research groups from nine different colleges across the university campus.

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  • Jun 28 2021

The associate professor of chemistry in the UK College of Arts and Sciences and Director of Undergraduate Research is one of six 2021 UK Alumni Association 2021 "Great Teachers."

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  • Jun 24 2021

Sanders-Brown Center on Aging researcher and chemistry doctoral student Yueming "Ronnie" Wu fights back against advanced colorectal cancer.

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  • Jun 24 2021

The grant will allow coordination and expansion of existing efforts to improve stroke-related health outcomes.

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  • Jun 24 2021

The project provides a secure and direct communication with local businesses as part of the Kentucky Economic Recovery and Resilience Project.

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  • Jun 23 2021

A public-private research collaboration between the University of Kentucky Department of Horticulture and London-based Arq is working to create a sustainable future for Kentucky and the planet.