Feasibility & Resources Questions/Answers

Investigators assess feasibility and ensure adequate resources to perform research.




How do you assess and ensure availability of resources required to conduct research in a way that will protect the rights and welfare of participants?

  • Protocol considerations include valid research question, risk vs. potential benefit, realistic inclusion/exclusion criteria, appropriate facilities, sufficient time, appropriate staff credential or expertise, adequate potential subject population, safety considerations such as placebo or washout, etc., personnel, space, equipment, and time.
  • Facility Considerations - consider proximity or availability of other resources. For example, the proximity of an emergency facility for care of participant injury, or availability of psychological support after participation. Investigators should not commence a research study without adequate resources to protect participants and should stop a research study if resources become unavailable.
  • Potential Subject Population – the CCTS provides biostatistics and informatic consultation, as well as a query tool (i2b2) for searching clinical data based on inclusion criteria to determine adequacy of a potential patient population. CCTS Participant Recruitment Services a assist in developing recruitment plan, creating recruitment materials, and promoting IRB-approved studies.