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  • Aug 6 2020

Prendergast says statistics show that less than five percent of undergraduate neuroscience students in the U.S. are Black or African American, but at UK nearly ten percent of undergraduate neuroscience majors identify as Black or African American.

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  • Aug 6 2020

The scholarship program, Strengthening Underserved Communities through Enhanced Student Support (SUCCESS) in Speech-Language Pathology, began in 2016 and has granted 64 students to date with financial assistance totaling more than $1.5 million.

  • Report
  • Aug 5 2020

The 2019 UK Research Annual Report provides a snapshot of UK’s research: from record-breaking research grants & contracts, to statewide economic impact.

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  • Aug 5 2020

President Capilouto has asked UK Vice President for Research Lisa Cassis to designate the UNITed In racial Equity (UNITE) Research Initiative as a Research Priority Area — one of now seven such research programs across the campus.

  • Blog
  • Aug 4 2020

For the first time in UK history, faculty received $429.2 million in competitive research awards last fiscal year. This is a 3% increase from FY19.

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  • Aug 4 2020

“Astronomy is an entirely observational science — we cannot do an experiment or make physical measurements. So we have to simulate what we observe with computers."

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  • Aug 4 2020

As a cancer prevention researcher trained in both basic laboratory science and epidemiology, Kuhs’ experience allows her to apply basic science findings to population-based studies, which will be essential to lowering cancer rates in the hardest-hit areas of the state.

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  • Aug 3 2020

"Our outstanding researchers at the University of Kentucky are leading the way in translational chemical biology, and the recently awarded COBRE grant is a testament to UK CPRI’s success in their constant pursuit of discovery," said UK President Eli Capilouto.

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  • Aug 3 2020

UK researchers hope to gain a better understanding of the effects of COVID-19 on sleep and alcohol use so that we will be better prepared to prevent and treat psychological effects of COVID-19 pandemic or similar outbreaks in the future.

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  • Jul 31 2020

Nearly all Martin County survey respondents reported problems with their drinking water including odor, appearance, taste and pressure. The UK researchers found 47% of the samples had at least one contaminant that exceeded U.S. EPA regulatory guidelines.